Wednesday, August 07, 2013

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world." 

These words ring as true and inspiring today as they were first  uttered. The punch they deliver to the imagination is for all future time: it can't be escaped. Just as the beauty and ghost-like mystery of an equation.
This deep message was delivered by one the most beautiful minds ever to receive an education. It also brought us ever closer to the truth about the world we inhabit. It taught us that mass is equivalent to energy, and went on to capture this lesson in the equation that been spoken of a "celebrity". The equation itself looks more like E=MC2.
Albert Einstein had a beautiful mind indeed. Naturally, he said these words. Not only that. He also postulated that gravity is not a physical force. Say what? So Newton was wrong, after all. Not necessarily. What Einstein said about gravitation back in 1915 was that the behaviour of falling objects in the space-time continuum shows that the continuum is curved; and that the effects of gravity and those of acceleration are the same. With the occurrence the eclipse in 1919, he was proven right.And the theory is known as General Relativity Theory.
But this is not to claim that knowledge or education is intrinsically for the birds. To be sure, the speaker would not have unlocked the mysteries of the universe as he did, had it not been for a superlative education he'd picked up. Only that when education is not shaped and rearranged in the mind, it seems to lose its magic.
Which brings me to my central point of this article. Children of school-going age need constant help with developing this all-important imagination. I propose to call the intervention "I Do my Math Everyday Campaign". With it, we could get to witness the future today. Wait until I motivate. Each one of us can be a genius, if that's the word you wan to use. Why? Well, because human being are known to have been since Jurassic Park. It's what we are supposed to be doing. It's the Human Project. And it happens to be the business of a long human day.
Because we have got problems to solve. A civilisation to enrich and maintain. And I say, that with the study of math, we stand an epic chance to pull this project off. 
And as long as human beings retain sanity, human imagination will progressively soar the universe, both known and unknown.